Sunday, June 24, 2007

Elaboration Likelihood Model

An example of ELM is when my dad and step mom were watching the State of the Union address that President Bush was giving this past year. My dad, being a republican, took the central route when he was listening to the address. He was more motivated to listen carefully because he likes the president. My step mom, a staunch democrat, took the peripheral route. My dad had very little noise because my little brother and sister were asleep so he was able to pay close attention. My step mom had some physiological noise because she was very tired.
Neither of them could say that they were objective or unbiased on the issues because they both have long standing biases when it comes to politics.
The president did get my step mom to become more central when he was talking about the war. Her brother was in the military so she became interested when he started talking about that. The peripheral cues that he gave when he began talking about the war got her attention.

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