Sunday, June 17, 2007

Social Information Processing Theory

An example of Social Information Processing Theory is in the movie “Out Cold.” In the movie two of the characters form a very special bond through use of the computer, the twist is that they know each other and don’t like each other at all. However, because of Computer Mediation Communication, they have a very intimate moment. Both characters, Eric and Pigpen, are men but they both log on to a lesbian chat room and make up fake names and characteristics about themselves. The hyperpersonal perspective applies to their situation because they both hide the fact that they are men and highlight their fake attributes as women. This situation is intended to be funny for the purposes of the movie but it applies to this theory anyway. When Pigpen and Eric were having their conversation they used verbal cues to show how they were feeling. They both used expressions of affinity and disclosed information that was intended to make the other more comfortable. Because they were both so interested in finding a woman who was looking to have a very sexual conversation they both over attributed the similarities that they had. This situation is obviously isn’t what Walther had in mind when he was talking about Computer Mediated Communication but it shows how much this form of communication has evolved since they first started doing research

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